Innovation, which can mean a new idea, method or invention used in order to improve the current activity or the introduction of new ideas or methods(1), is a concept closely related to creativity. Innovation has become a lot more important to corporate leaders, in the last decade in particular, because of changes in the business environment, brought on by increased technological capabilities, speed, hyper competition, and faster rates of diffusion enabled by greater connectivity. The second part of my paper refers – inter alia – to innovation opportunities. But while many companies say they are making innovation happen, for most of them innovation is based on old ideas, principles and processes. At best, their innovations are incremental-miniscule improvements in products and services. While there is nothing wrong in achieving small gains, this view of innovation shuts out the truly startling cases of leap innovations.
Leap innovations occur when someone discovers an entirely new approach to a problem, an approach that changes life in some significant way. The leap innovation emphasizes the act of moving into the unknown or unexplored rather than just breaking with predictable patterns of innovation.(2)
Creativity and innovation are present at all levels of business from the management of a company to the development, branding and shape of each product.(3) Companies change at a great speed, due to the fact that competition is increasing and they have to maintain their position on the market. The fruits of creativity are what make them more appealing to their clients and partners. Briefly, their future and profitability largely depend on how creative they are.
Despite the fact that arts and creativity are allegedly treated as one and the same concept, not only pieces of art are the result of creative work. Creativity is also present in all other fields, such as sciences (especially in research and development). Both arts and sciences use the same thinking and creating processes, but the difference consists in the reasons why they do so. Also, the way how they protect its economic value differs. So, creativity is common to both arts and sciences, the creative products are different.